# ding The fastest way to set up push notifications on-demand using [ntfy.sh](https://ntfy.sh/). Install the ntfy.sh app on your phone, drop this script into your $PATH, set the topic on both ends, and you're done. Follow any long running command with `ding` to get a push notification when it finishes. It's that easy. ntfy.sh does not require registration. ## Installation Copy script to a directory in your $PATH, such as `/usr/local/bin` `mv ding /usr/local/bin/ding` Edit the `NTFY_TOPIC` variable at the top of the file to a topic of your choosing. ```bash # Define your ntfy.sh topic NTFY_TOPIC="your-topic-name" ``` Treat this like a password. Anybody who knows the topic can see and send notifications. ## How to Use It Follow any long-running command with `ding`. `make && make install; ding` ## Options ### Title Any text after `ding` will become the title of the notification. `ding Task Completed.` ### Priority Priority in ntfy.sh represents a "preset" for how intrusive the notification is. `--min`, `--low`, `--high`, and `--max` correspond to these options. Read the [message priority](https://docs.ntfy.sh/publish/#message-priority) docs for more information.